No one knows what will bring you deeper contentment.

(And even you may be struggling with that answer.)

Have you ever noticed...

If you’re looking to improve your health or your finances, there are hundreds of programs and tools.
But if you’re looking for a life full of contentment, there was only advice (LOTS of advice).

WILD is changing that.

Tired female student at the library looking very frustrated
WJ logo large

Every life (journey) is different and what works for one person may not work for the next. (Regardless of what the thousands of books filled with advice say)

The good news

We've developed a program to help you find what works for you.

Data-driven self-exploration.

Your Personalized Path to living a BETTER life.

We call it WILD.

Willful Independence, Live Deliberately.

Woah... that sounded way too salesy!

We just get excited over this stuff. Truthfully, there's no magic or mystical secret here. It takes work to look critically at your life and see what's working and what's not. We're going to question your assumptions on what a good life looks like and analyze what actually leaves you feeling fulfilled, engaged and satisfied with your path. This way you can free yourself of the bad influences (Willful Independence) and embrace proactive living for contentment (Live Deliberately).

angry cat

Wondering where to start?

Welcome to the first step in living a more fulfilling life



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Person name

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Our Customers

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About the WILD Journey...

Inspired by those who live it

The hidden 'happiest people on Earth' living in the jungles on a remote island of Papua New Guinea.

Translated to our modern world

20 years in the making, combining neuroscience, psychology, technology, and simplicity.

Action vs Advice

This is a DO program. Not a sit around and listen, or read, or watch program.

It's like Weight Watchers + a personal trainer but for fulfillment and contentment versus diet and exercise.

What makes a better life?

That journey looks different for everyone.

Let’s find out where the journey of living better starts for you.

Are you part of a team or organization that believes in contentment?

Are you a leader who believes that living a deliberate life of fulfillment (both in and out of work) is a catalyst for inspiring engagement, diminishing burnout, improving creativity and productivity, and igniting loyalty?

See how the WILD Journey can invigorate your team, company, roller derby league, or nonprofit organization.

Customized Programs fit the needs of your organization

  • Flexible Duration
  • Group & 1:1 Coaching
  • Minimal time requirements
  • Virtual or in-person
  • Tailored to your challenges

What goes into WILD?

20 +

years in the making

6500 H

Sales Calls

100 +

Team members

3000 K

Global Revenue