Ready for team development unlike any other?

Nothing unites and inspires a team like the WILD Journey Program.

5 Generations in the workforce...
     Hybrid & Remote work environments...
          Post-pandemic uncertainty and disengagement...

'Post-Pandemic' is a new era for the workplace.

A new era needs a new kind of workplace program.

Have you ever noticed...

If you’re looking to improve your health or your finances, there are hundreds of programs and tools.
But if you’re looking for a life full of contentment, there was only advice (LOTS of advice).

WILD is changing that.

Tired female student at the library looking very frustrated
Creative team putting their hands together in circle

What do the following organizational improvements have in common?

Greater Engagement

Reduced Turnover

Improved Productivity

Less Burnout

More Resilience

Improved Creativity

Less Absenteeism or 'Quiet-Quitting'

They've all been linked to improved contentment.

What have past program graduates said?

"The WILD Journey program helped me to find balance in life and reprioritize what is truly important. I highly recommend the program to anyone who is ready to nudge your inner spirit for expansive growth".

- Liz B.

"Ryan’s personal insights and engaging storytelling made the entire program fascinating and I found myself excited for the next session."

- Alan P.

“The WILD program allowed me to take a new look on life, and not stress about things I can't control and the mundane. In doing so, I think I became more relaxed, which opened me up personally and allowed me to be more creative and productive at work.

- John-Michael S.

Employees who feel fulfilled & engaged are:


of an employee's salary is what it costs to replace them

33 to 200 percent cost for replacement

It's 120% to 200% for highly skilled or technical employees.

Example: A $75K/yr employee costs $25k – $150k to replace

Korn Ferry Institute. 2023 Burnout Blues

Are you part of a team or organization that believes in contentment?

Are you a leader who believes that living a deliberate life of fulfillment (both in and out of work) is a catalyst for inspiring engagement, diminishing burnout, improving creativity and productivity, and igniting loyalty?

See how the WILD Journey can invigorate your team.

Customized Programs fit the needs of your organization

  • Flexible Duration
  • Group & 1:1 Coaching
  • Minimal time requirements
  • Virtual or in-person
  • Tailored to your challenges

Typical Program Models*

Onsite or Virtual Workshop


Single session
From 2 hrs to a Full-day
Intrinsic Ambitions Assessment
WILD Compass App use leading up to session
Standard program at 2x speed (8 weeks)


Kick-off Strategy Session
8 Weekly Program Sessions
1:1 Individual Intensives
Intrinsic Ambitions Assessment
WILD Compass App
Collaboration Optimizer Analysis
Actionable Debrief

*Our programs are completely adaptable and can be personalized to address the specific challenges faced by your teams.

  • Virtual or in-person
  • Flexible Duration (Session are typically 60 min)
  • Group & 1:1 Coaching
  • Minimal time requirements
  • Tailored to your challenges

Welcome to the first step in living a more fulfilling life



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Our Customers

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What makes a better life?

That journey looks different for everyone.

Let’s find out where the journey of living better starts for you.

What goes into WILD?

20 +

years in the making

6500 H

Sales Calls

100 +

Team members

3000 K

Global Revenue

With WILD Journey, your team will...

Focus on What Matters

Introspective consideration and critical analysis of the actions and emotions that lead us to deep contentment.

Inspire Collective Culture

Enforce each team member's value and build a culture of contentment together.

Elevate Life/Work Harmony

Embracing and refining the blurred lines between life and work for greater harmony and fulfillment.

while enhancing engagement, creativity, resilience, productivity, loyalty, collaboration, and accountability
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Save 40% to kick off Spring!

We're offering an incredible 40% off all live and virtual programs to teams that signup before summer takes over.